Happy Thursday, lovelies! I may be just a tad bit late on this update, but ya know – second baby problems. There were SO many milestones for this month so let’s jump into Matea’s 7 month old baby update!
Matea not only started crawling shortly after 6 months, but within a couple weeks of doing so, she also started sitting up by herself and stood for the first time! Now she can easily pull herself up and loves to stand all the time. And boy, let me tell you that sister girl gets SO excited about it too! We had to lower her bed last week because I woke up one night and found her leaning over her crib. I nearly had a heart attack.
Speaking of sleep, I am still waiting for her to sleep through the night. We tried a modified version of the cry-it-out-method, but it didn’t go very well. So, we’ll keep trying and pray something (or someone) comes to our rescue. (I hope God is reading this right now. haha)
We’ve also entered the stranger danger phase now that she’s 7 months old so if she hasn’t seen you in a few days, don’t even bother trying to hold her. You’re back at square one, friend. Ha!
She LOVES to sing – especially the ABC song – and Daniel Tiger and Elmo are her BFFs at the moment.
She’s getting really good at her fine motor skills and can easily grab items and transfer them from hand to hand. Also, she learned to hold her own bottle and this was a sweet victory for the both of us! Freedom!
Her vocabulary is expanding, but she is REALLY responsive to these words so far – mama, dada, Marli, yummy time, bottle, bathtime, and nap nap. Can you guess what word she said first? I think my husband’s heart exploded when he heard her say Dada for the first time 🙂
She doesn’t visit the doctor until her 9 month old checkup, but I’m excited to see what the next month has in store for us…hopefully she’ll pop a tooth or two! I know she’s really eager to eat solids (besides baby food).
Thanks for reading lovelies and if you missed her 6 Month Update, HERE it is.

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