“This post is sponsored by Yasso. As always, all opinions are my own.”

Happy Monday, guys! We are moving right into Week 7 of this COVID madness and I wanna know – how are you guys doing? Have you adjusted to the new norm yet? I have to admit. The first couple days were a huge adjustment for us, but now, I feel like I have this homeschooling gig down. Even my little ones call me Mrs. Nguyen when class starts. Ha! Nothing beats starting the day at 9am, having the kids wear pjs to class, and getting extra recess time with these babes. Now if I could just get on their payroll, I’d be set.
In all seriousness, we miss our friends and normal social activities so much, but I’m definitely grateful Marli & Matea have adjusted so well to their new norm. I think more than anything, we’re using this time to be more thankful and intentional about our community, health, and the extra family time we get to spend together. I know that when the time is right, we’ll all come out of this stronger together. In the mean time, what positive things are you doing to take care of yourself during the quarantine? Is daily meditation your jam or maybe squeezing in weekly at-home spa treatments? I know for me, staying active has been the best therapy for my mental and physical health. Today, I’m partnering up with Yasso to share some fun ways I’m staying active and motivated at home so let’s dive right in.

If you’ve been looking for the perfect excuse to spruce up your WFH wardrobe, nothing will motivate you more than some new workout gear. While staying in pjs all day might seem like a great idea, I’ve learned that I’m way more productive when I actually get dressed for the day (even if I’m not leaving the house). By investing in a few loungewear items and athleisure pieces I can mix & match or a pair of sneakers to get me up and moving, I’m already setting myself up for success. When you look good, you feel great!
No gym? No problem. With the abundance of free workouts and virtual classes available online, this is a great time to try out something new! Set a goal to lift heavier. Aim to get in 10,000 steps each day. Take up yoga. Learn a new dance move. Whatever it is, big or small, just challenge yourself to become a better, happier you. And guess what? You don’t have to do it alone. Stay connected with friends by having them “virtually” join you. You can also create a weekly challenge game and tag each other to keep the fun going. That way, you can support one another while burning a ton of calories from all the laughs.

What’s life without little rewards along the way? That’s right – boring. As someone who loves to eat well, but also wants to enjoy desserts without guilt, these Yasso Bars are the next best thing to happen since sliced bread. Made from delicious real ingredients, flavors, and mix-ins in every bite, these creamy frozen Greek yogurt bars have been a huge hit in our family!
When the girls need a little “pick-me-up” surprise, I find myself reaching for these bars because I know how much they enjoy them. And, at only 100 calories per bar, I have absolutely no regrets satisfying my sweet tooth either. Each Yasso Bar provides a good source of protein without high-intensity sweeteners which is a huge plus for us. There are SO many indulgent flavors available, but these are my top 5: Mint Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Sea Salt Caramel, Fudge Brownie, Black Raspberry Chip, & Cookies ‘n Cream. You can check out all the yummy flavors HERE.

One of the best things about being a mom is playing with my girls. I’m a big kid at heart and love that literally anything can be turned into a game with them. We’ve made obstacle courses in our home, created fun workout circuits in our driveway, played hopscotch, gone on countless nature walks together, and I’ve even participated in some of their PE sessions from time to time. Those kid exercise videos are no joke, guys. They might look cute and easy, but I worked up a major sweat after 20+ minutes of having the Chicken Dance song on repeat. And, dare I say, I’ve actually started running again thanks to my kids. By just playing with them, we’re staying active, having fun doing it, and creating memories in the process.
Now it’s your turn! Share what guys have been doing to stay active and motivated at home in the comments below. Whatever it is you decide to do, practice self-care each day even if it’s for 5 minutes. Hope you enjoyed this post and be sure to grab a box or two of Yasso Bars the next time you head to the grocery store. There’s a little bit of joy in every box!

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