(1) BABY ACNE: Poor thing. Starting at about 6 weeks, she started to develop some baby acne on her cheeks and it sucked. Fret not my mamas. This is also a natural process most babies go through and after a few weeks, baby’s skin will go back to normal. In the mean time, just make sure to gently wash your baby’s face and apply a bit of moisturizer to keep it from drying out. Do not apply any medication or try to pop any pimples!
(2) CRADLE CAP: Ah, yes. Cradle Cap. I started noticing this flaky yellow scaly thing on her ears and eyebrows (what the heck?!?!) at around the 6 week mark and didn’t realize it was cradle cap. Then, it started popping up in patches on her head. Eww…I tried everything to get rid of it, but the stubborn thing just kept coming back after a week or so. I tried baby oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and even some cradle cap shampoos….nothing worked. In a desperate attempt to make it go away, I ended up having to buy Selsun Blue and applied it twice the 1st week and once the next…and then it went away. My doc recommended it since nothing seemed to help, but I only used a pea size each time. I think the one I used was for sensitive scalps because I was afraid it would irritate her skin. It worked like a charm.
(3) ECZEMA: At around the 2nd month, Marli started developing eczema and she still has it off and on. She has never had a bad breakout, but she will get small patches on her arms/legs when her skin gets irritated. I have noticed that it flares up when the temperature changes rapidly or when she gets really hot. We use All-Free Clear Detergent and I am pretty picky about the fabric of her clothing so it needs to be a soft cotton, breathable, and stretchy things are a a plus 🙂 After trying SO many lotions – Aveeno Eczema, Babyganics Eczema Cream, Shea Moisture Eczema – just to name a few, my saving grace ended up being Aquaphor Baby Healing Oil (which has the same consistency of Vaseline). It works AMAZING!!!! I apply it right after her bath and/or first thing in the morning after her diaper change and it keeps her skin soft ALL day.
(4) WHITE TONGUE: You may notice a layer of white stuff on baby’s tongue, which is usually residue from milk/formula. There are many recommendations of how to clean it off, but I used glycerin with a small patch of gauze wrapped around my finger (or you can use a cotton swab too). Make sure to pay special attention to where the white coating is, if it is difficult to remove, and if baby seems irritated by it as this might be a sign of thrush.
(5) WITCHING HOUR: We called this “Time Of Terror” in our house. It’s different for each baby, but Marli started this at around 6 weeks for about a month. Right at 630pm EVERY NIGHT, she would start crying until about 8pm. It was terrible, but I’ve heard of parents enduring far worse so I won’t complain. This is a time when baby is inconsolable so my word of advice is to support one another, have patience, and try to find things that will calm him/her down. For us, she LOVED hearing the vent in the bathroom. Here are some good tips.
(6) GAS/COLIC: While Marli did not have colic, she was pretty gassy at times. I ate a variety of healthy foods, burped her often, and made sure to hold her upright after a meal. She basically slept in her Nap Nanny for the first 3 months of her life! It was a lifesaver 🙂 Sadly, I don’t think they make these anymore, but I always strapped Marli in and supervised her when she was laying in it.
(7) FLAT HEAD SYNDROME: To prevent Marli from getting this, we purchased THIS great pillow from Boggy and used it until she was about 4 month. And, at $14.99, that was a winner for us! Newborns are vulnerable to getting this because their skulls are still so soft and pliable after birth and after spending a considerable amount of time on their backs, they can form flat spots on their head (which may lead to more serious problems if not treated). To learn more about what plagiocephaly is, how to spot it, and ways to treat it, click HERE.
Hope these tips help you new/expecting mamas! And, if you have additional pointers to add, just comment below. Have a beautiful Tuesday!!!

Love this and thanks for the tip on the pillow! I am not expecting, but have a friend who is and this would be a great gift to add to her bag.
Thanks for the heads up mama! Witching Hour sounds scary…
LOVE these tips! So good!
another great post to pin for the future! thanks xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Thanks for all the good tips Linh! We’re going to remember these posts for when we need them and will probably be thanking you a million times a day, lol! XO, S
Wow— we apparently got lucky– we didn’t have any of these things!!!
That being said, I looked at your first post on the topic and I can relate to jaundice. My daughter was a preemie, so we were in the NICU for a couple weeks after birth and the jaundice was only a secondary concern. But seeing her tiny body under the Bili-light was nonetheless very frightening!