Ok, I admit it. I have major second baby syndrome. This post is waaayyyy overdue – 28 days to be exact – but better late than never! It’s been a crazy month of full schedules, babies (+ momma) getting sick, teething, and oh yea – the ungodly 4 month sleep regression phase (holy hell it sucked!) so yea… Promise I’ll start being better about these updates 🙂
Matea is developing right on track and doing great! She’s packing on the pounds and my oh my how I love it. She’s fitting into size 2 diapers and wearing 3-6 months clothing (and sometimes 9 months depending on the brand). Here are her stats:
WEIGHT: 15lbs 7.5oz (76% percentile)
LENGTH: 25 inches (75% percentile)
HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 16.5 inches (85% percentile)
– I love being held and standing up.
– Being tickled! I squeal, laugh, and even growl like a lion.
– Bath time! I always fall asleep within 15 minutes after my baths.
– Seeing my sister! I love when she hangs out with me.
– A full belly 🙂
– Being alone – I LOVE company!
– Being sick. I’ve gotten 2 colds from my sister already. Booooo.
– The 4 shots I received at my checkup.
– I love being held and standing up.
– Being tickled! I squeal, laugh, and even growl like a lion.
– Bath time! I always fall asleep within 15 minutes after my baths.
– Seeing my sister! I love when she hangs out with me.
– A full belly 🙂
– Being alone – I LOVE company!
– Being sick. I’ve gotten 2 colds from my sister already. Booooo.
– The 4 shots I received at my checkup.
– I can roll on both sides.
- My hand coordination is getting good. I can reach out and grab things.
– I can pull my paci out of my mouth.
– I think I’m teething because I keep rubbing my paci against my gums and puckering my lips.
– Momma tried feeding me rice cereal and it was weird.
– I can roll on both sides.
- My hand coordination is getting good. I can reach out and grab things.
– I can pull my paci out of my mouth.
– I think I’m teething because I keep rubbing my paci against my gums and puckering my lips.
– Momma tried feeding me rice cereal and it was weird.
Unfortunately, a week before Matea turned 4 months, she caught a yucky cold from her sister and her sleeping schedule has been ridiculous ever since! I’m talking 2-3 wakings almost every night. Add on the 4-month sleep regression phase + teething and my goodness – no one is getting any sleep around here. Luckily, things are finally starting to get a little better and I cannot wait for the day when I can have ONE restful night of sleep.
Anyways, stay tuned for Matea’s 5 month update in a few days. Ha!
And in case you missed her 3-month update, HERE it is.
Have a great weekend, lovelies!
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