WEIGHT: 9lbs 9oz (She weighed 5lbs 15oz at birth)
LENGTH: 21.75 inches
Drinking about 24-28oz a day // Usually feeds every 3 hours during the day and has 2 night feedings (at 2am & 6am) – THANK GOODNESS for social media to keep me awake during those night feedings!
– Being held and loved on
– She LOVES bathtime and coo’s a ton afterwards. Cutest thing ever!
– She likes to puker her lips and stretch after she wakes up.
– She loves being sang to, especially by her sister
– Car rides – she sleeps like a baby
– She does NOT like waiting for her food.
– Cold butt wipes
– Tummy time
– Being swaddled – she likes to sleep with her hands by her face
– We call her a little gremlin because she grunts a lot.
– Right before she drifts off to sleep, she always makes the silliest facial expressions – from pouty faces to smiles and giggles. I have yet to snap a good picture of her smiling…but this one below is close enough.
– She likes to tilt her head to the right when she sleeps so we make sure to rotate her position to prevent skull deformities.
– 9 out of 10 times, she’ll have one blowout a day and it’s usually when Daddy is on diaper duty (LOL)
– She is always really alert around 12pm & 7pm every day and will stay awake for a couple hours
– Still on the fence with that one, but…
– She has dimples like her sister & daddy
– She is starting to look more like her big sister now that she’s plumping up, but we’re still unsure if she’ll have Shirley Temple curls like her sister. (I sure hope so!)
She received her 2nd Hepatitis B shot at her 1 month checkup and we’ll see the doctor again at her 2-month checkup. I’m looking forward to hearing more coo’s, seeing her get excited as she starts to recognize my voice, and catching more smiles from her.

Aw she is so precious! What a lovely little girl! Glad you are all doing so well! Congratulations!
Loooove the details!! Thank you for sharing! I hope you feel better soon mama! Xox Linds
aww she is beautiful!!
Oh my gosh she is too stinkin cute!