Looks like the verdict is in! I look more like Daddy every day. We’re still unsure if I’ll have curls like my sister so we’ll have to wait on that.
WEIGHT: Momma is guessing I’ve gained about 3 lbs this month which puts me at 15 lbs or so. I’m wearing size 2 diapers and fit into 3-6 months clothing.
FEEDING: I’m still eating like a champ so momma has to supplement my supply with some formula. I’m averaging 28-32 oz a day and I get in a few good naps during the day, but I’m pretty big on cluster feeding in the evening so I can sleep longer at night.
– I love being held and getting kisses from mommy & daddy
– I can recognize a lot of faces and voices now
– Please sing to me and I’ll try to mimic you with ohh and guuuu sounds
– Car rides are the best!
– I love falling asleep on my Cradle n’ Swing
– The sound of the kitchen or bathroom vent sooth me
– Tummy time is still a love and hate relationship
– I love playtime on my Kick n’ Play Gym and have learned to grab one of my toys already!
– I still don’t like being swaddled so I sleep with 1 arm out
– Please don’t make me hangry or overly tired
– Mommy tried to lift me high into the air the other day and quickly learned I did not like that
– I just learned that I have not 1, but 2 hands! I love to clasp them together.
– I can recognize my momma’s voice even if I don’t see her and will giggle and flap my arms like a bird
– I’ve started sleeping in my crib during daytime naps, but I still prefer sleeping with momma at night
– I’ve started to roll, but always get stuck midway through.
-Myself! I love seeing myself in the mirror.
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There you have it! Thanks for reading and can’t wait to update you all next month. In the mean time, you can follow along on Instagram where I occasionally make an appearance with my sister Marli. Have a great Tuesday!

Awww, your child looks so adorable! I believe that children are ever changing so it’s something new everyday 🙂
She is a beautiful baby. Here smile melts my heart. Enjoy this time with her because they grow up so fast! It’s Great that you will have this beautiful post to look back on.
What a sweetheart – such a beautiful girl and what a pretty name! xxx