I haven’t made resolutions for a couple years now simply because like many of you, I usually don’t end up keeping them. My lists are usually always the same: trim down/tone up, spend less/save more, spend more time with family, and strengthen my faith. So, let’s talk fitness here. The first couple months are always great, but slowly and surely, the “list” ends up taking a nose dive…into that piece of cheesecake (or two) I knew I shouldn’t have eaten. Are we seeing eye to eye on this?
So, instead of making new year’s resolutions this year, I challenge you to start making 2014 GOALS for yourself! Real, attainable goals to hold you accountable for the ENTIRE year. Incorporate different difficulty levels to include a few small goals, a couple medium size goals, and one big goal you want to achieve. Remember – your small goals will help you BUILD up to your BIG goal! And, grab a friend to join you! A support system is one of the best ways to stay motivated and push each other.
My baby girl is turning ONE in mid March (HOLY COW did I really just write that?!?!?!) and I am on a mission to get back in shape. I was doing SO great and then Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and our 3-year anniversary rolled around. Yeah…I don’t even know what happened but my husbo and I each gained a good 5-7 pounds in 1 month. Actually, I think the cookies, ice cream, fried turkey, and bacon probably had something to do with it.
I will be starting my 2014 GOALS on Monday after we resume normalcy in our house, but here’s a snippet of what my list looks like so far. What are some of your fitness/health goals?
2014 GOALS
1. Complete 10 REAL pushups (yes, I am an upper body weakling)
2. Complete 5 pull ups without help (again, not much upper body strength here)
3. Get moving! Sweat for 20-30 minutes 4 x a week
4. Get into yoga (Namaste!) and do THIS pose (known as Bakasana aka crow pose)
5. Run the 10K ConocoPhillips Rodeo Run in March (who wants to join me?)
BIG GOAL (long-term):
6. Build more lean muscle (especially in my legs/thighs which is my problem area) and decrease body fat to 10-13%

Ok sorry – one more post. So so true! Setting goals is so much better and you’ve got a great list going. I LOVE yoga and pilates. If you’re starting off, grab a buddy – it’ll help, especially if you’re used to be fast-paced exercises. Hope that makes sense…Good luck!
This is too funny. You should crossfit. So addicting. Love the “RAWR” motto – strong and fierce. Keep up the great work.