I can’t believe my sweet little girl will be TWO in a couple months! My little girl isn’t so little anymore 🙁
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: Here’s my guess on her stats: Height: 34 in. | Weight: 28.5 lbs.
CLOTHING: (Same as last month) She wears 2T now and some 3T in certain brands | Shoes are size 7 | Still wearing size 4 diapers
SCHEDULE: (Same as last month)
8am: 8oz whole milk + breakfast
930am: snack (usually carbs of some sort like toast or crackers, fruit, cheese)
1130am: lunch
1230pm: naptime
3pm: 8oz milk + snack
530pm: dinner
7-830pm: bath, playtime, and read (usually in that order) + a light snack
830pm: brush teeth, change diaper, pray, and sleep
In other news, I thought it was cute when we ate out a few weeks ago and the waiter took our drink orders and even though he didn’t ask Marli, she said “iced tea please” Haha
LANGUAGE: I love our little “talks” and she surprises me every day with a new phrase or saying that will crack me up. A couple weeks ago while putting away the Christmas tree, I reached for a tall ornament and she quickly said “Oh mama! Be careful mama. Be careful. Too tall.” Of course I laughed and asked her to repeat it so she said “Sure. (hahaha) Be careful mama. Be careful.”
Other cute phrases she’s picked up:
(When she falls down) She rubs her butt and says “Oh my butt. I’m ok!”
(Her “singing” while watching Frozen) Let it goooooooooooooooooooo! // Love love love an open doooooooo! // Wit you wit you! // Oh Olaf nose!
(When we go eat sushi) “Mama I eat Mr. Grouper” (from Bubble Guppies) LOL
(When eating/touching something hot) “Oh mama no touch. Too hot.”
One day when I asked her to do something for me, she turned around, pointed her index finger up and said “One minute.” WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?!?! LOL
When I give her something, she will say (without me asking her) “Tank you. Welcome.” Haha Aren’t I supposed to say the “you’re welcome” part? 🙂
I have started teaching her the alphabet and we are currently on letter G. We learn 1-2 letters a week and there’s always a refresher course with the old letters so she doesn’t forget them. We usually start learning about the letter by drawing on her easel and illustrating with pictures. Then we’ll pull out her dictionary to look up the letter and corresponding words. She loves it. The easel is in a spot she passes by routinely and I have also placed the letter on our frig and other areas of the house so she can always see them. I apply the letter daily to things we’re reading or seeing on TV and even pointing it out to her when we’re out and about. She surprised my parents one day at lunch when I showed her the newspaper and she said “Look mama. A.” 🙂
And I’m happy to report she can sit through an entire book (even 2) without getting up/losing interest. Such great news to know her focus is improving. We read at least 3-5 books each night now…which reminds me we probably need to buy more books for her to read.
My hubby and I started discussing the timeout topic and I think I will start reinforcing this in the next month or so. I’ve read that starting before 2 is pretty much useless and I would have to agree (although I know every child is different). While I don’t put her in timeouts, I do make it very evident when she’s wrong and she is fully aware of it. When she’s in trouble, I take away anything she’s currently doing (i.e. watching tv, playing with her books/toys), give her “the look”, and do not speak to her until she apologizes. Lately, she’s been more defiant with it (sort of like she know she’s wrong, but doesn’t want to apologize). But she always does and I will follow it up by asking her why she is sorry and wait for her to respond. I will, of course, rephrase her faults, tell her not to do it again (because it’s not nice or it causes hurt, etc), and give her a kiss. Personally, this is basically the same thing as a timeout except you aren’t forcing your child to stand against a wall or go to their room/crib. Any mamas out there have tips or tricks of what works for them??
Lastly, I think we have decided to put Marli in daycare a couple times a week so she can socialize even more, learn curriculum and make friends. Plus, it will give me a small break to get some things done around the house. I think the first couple times will be tough, but I plan on easing her into it. I think I will drop her off for a few hours and pick her up before naptime the 1st week and slowly lengthen the time so she feels more comfortable when I leave her there all day.
Can’t wait to see what next month has in store for us 🙂

You seem to be doing a phenomenal job as a mother. Be encouraged your daughter has a great mom. Enjoy the adventure of the toddler years.
You have a beautiful family!! Love the update. I have a 2.5 year old girl and 1 year old boy. So much fun!
omg she is a doll!!! I have an almost 3 year old & his cute phrases really took off when he turned 2! It was so entertaining!!
Her smile in that first picture is priceless! You both are so precious. I am sorry you guys were sick. I loved reading about the things she’s saying!! SO so cute. Timeout never worked at home…he would just get up and run off. It was tough! They used it at his old school, though and seemed to work pretty well.
What a cutie! Sounds like she’s doing great with her letters and saying so many long sentences. Good luck with the tantrums, mama. A lot of moms tell me three is even worse, so I’m kinda dreading that. So far my son hasn’t gotten too into the tantrums, but he did go through a throwing phase (like throwing toys at our faces) and that’s when he started getting time outs. The throwing stopped, so whether it was the time outs or just the natural end of that phase, I can’t really be sure.
You seriously have a gorgeous family. Your daughter is seriously adorable. I love that she is doing great on her alphabet and sentences. She is seriously so cute!
Ah! Your daughter is beautiful and it sounds like she is growing up just fine. I used to record these milestones with my kids. I love that she says “Mamma I eat Mr. Grouper” when you eat sushi. That is just too cute!
I LOVE THESE POSTS! Marli is the cutest and she is growing up so fast. Thanks for sharing your tips on alphabet training. We just started that too, but I love your method. Also, I generally pack some food with us when we go out to eat (usually a veggie just in case, like a sweet potato i’ve already cooked). we usually get the protein and a grain at the restaurant (like chicken and rice or something). but truth be told, georgia has NOT been a pleasure to go out to eat with lately haha
What a cutie!