Good morning lovelies! Last week, I removed ALL 4 of my wisdom teeth and had 3 fillings done….in one sitting. It was a bit rough to say the least – not so much the pain part (because I knew I could handle it), but I was extremely nervous about the food part. What foods would I be able to eat? How should it be prepared? How was I supposed to eat/chew it? Any restricted foods I should probably avoid? The list went on and on… The last thing I wanted was an infection or some after-care complication where I’d have to re-visit the dentist.
Thankfully, Instagram must have heard my distress signal because my sweet friend, Michelle, posted a picture of her Squeezed goodies and I knew I had to try it. Plus, I love that this company is locally owned and operated in Houston, TX! You know I love supporting my local businesses 🙂
There has been so much buzz about juicing and the benefits of detoxing this way, but I never had much interest in it…until now. I knew this would be the PERFECT opportunity to cleanse my pallet. Even with my workouts and clean eating on the weekdays, I definitely had my splurges of cheat meals on the weekends. Plus, I was drinking way too much coffee/caffeine and not enough water. I knew my body was so dehydrated and my skin/hair was taking a beating for that. This juicing detox was exactly what I needed to rid my body of those toxins while putting good stuff back in.
So, I placed an order online that afternoon (around 1pm), selected the preferred location for pick up, chose the date I wanted my juice, and that was it. So simple. So easy. (If you place your order by 2pm, it can be delivered to your place by 6am the next day for $10. Only for the Houston area.) The website was extremely easy to navigate and I enjoyed reading the FAQ section to prepare myself for what to expect.
I chose the 3-Day Squeezed Detox package, but you can shop a la carte or select one of the packages they offer which is also available by the number of days you want. If you’re a newbie like me, it’s recommended that you start with the 3-Day detox and work your way up to more days (if desired). Picking it up the next day was so easy! I went in, told them my name, and everything was all ready for me! (For my busy mom who is always on the go, I LOVED that I didn’t have to sit there and wait. Brownie points guys!) The bottles came in a green insulated bag and each bottle was labeled so I would know in what order to drink them. (They are shown below in the correct order for each day.) There are 5 bottles for each day (essentially 3 meals and 2 snacks) + an infused water you can refill throughout the day.
In all honesty, I was excited to give this a try, but really scared I would absolutely hate the taste and feeling of hunger, etc. I didn’t do anything to prep for my detox except read a lot, but you can visit their FAQ section to read up on that part. I drank my 1st juice at 8am (shown below in far left). The first few gulps took some getting used to (partly because it had beets), but after that I was good. 🙂 I was still groggy from the medication they gave me the day before so it took me a while to drink it all. The entire day went really smooth and I was actually surprised at how full/content I felt. I wasn’t a huge fan of the last juice I drank probably because it contained so many greens (celery, chard, spinach, and kale) so I only drank 1/2…but again, I was more than satisfied for the day. I didn’t eat any solids and drank a ton of water. No exercise either.
I have heard that Day 2 of juicing is the worst. You wake up in remorse and crave EVERYTHING in sight, and this terrified me. So, I braced myself the night before and did some praying for strength. haha! However, when I woke up the next day, I felt completely revitalized and not tired whatsoever! I mean, I didn’t exactly jump out of bed, but I didn’t wake up looking/feeling like death. (For any new mommies of newborns or toddlers, you know what I’m talking about.) When I woke up, I was calm and alert. It was really really nice! ALL of the juices on Day 2 of the Squeezed Detox were soooooo DELICIOUS! I didn’t eat any solids and drank a ton of water. I completed a light workout with weights, but nothing too crazy. I was definitely more active today than yesterday and was worried about getting hungry, but the juices kept me full.
Eureka! I felt like I was on top of the world. I woke up feeling really energized and alert just like Day 2. The juices for Day 3 were really good. The only one I had a hard time drinking was the 1st snack juice which contained apple, ginger, and lime. It was a little too tarty for me so I added more water to dilute it. Still no solids and I drank so much water. I was using the restroom every 20 minutes or so. I did a killer 30 minute HIIT workout at the end of the day because I was so excited about completing this detox and had so much energy to burn off. I noticed 3 major changes by the end of my 3rd day of juicing.
(1) Increased energy + more clarity. As crazy as it sounds, I didn’t have this “foggy” feeling I had before. I felt more focused and could remember what I needed to do for the day. For the longest time, I was blaming “mommy brain” for my forgetfulness, but I really think what I was eating played a huge role in this.
(2) While losing weight was not a goal for the detox, I did lose 4 lbs. It may have been water weight, but I am happy it’s gone!
(3) My skin! OMG!!!! I should have taken a before and after photo, but the smoothness and texture of my skin has completely changed. Ever since having Marli, my skin has completely changed and I can’t stand it. I break out more often now which causes blemishes, and to be honest, my skin just never feels clean. I could see/feel the clogged pores when I would wash my face at the end of the day…and feeling those little bumps drove me nuts! BUT, after my 3rd day of juicing with Squeezed, I didn’t feel those annoying”bumps” anymore. In fact, my skin was super soft, supple, and glowy, AND those stubborn blemishes I had from my breakouts had almost completely faded away. I can’t make this stuff up ladies. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Since the detox, I have been so much more mindful of what I’m eating/drinking. I have started drinking coffee again, but only about 4oz a day (if that) and I have kept my sugar addiction to a minimum – a couple honey graham crackers a day, but not engulfing a bag of chocolate covered raisins like I did before. Haha! I’ve been maintaining my water intake with some homemade infused water (more on that next week) and I LOVE IT! I am not a big fan of water so I love this alternative.
It’s been a few days since my detox and I still feel amazing. My skin is still glowing and the 4lbs are still off 🙂 So there you have it. I am officially addicted to this stuff and I LOVE Squeezed! I am looking forward to getting #squeezed in another month or so. Hope this information was helpful and if this is something you are considering, do it! I mean, it’s only 3 days but it is completely worth the investment.

wow this stuff looks yummy… but omg so pricy!! I may give it a go sometime…do you know if they deliver to Canada?
Visiting from Thursday Comments!!
Hi, yes it is costly, but their pricing is really reasonable compared to other brands I researched. I think they are only local right now, but maybe they will expand in the future. Let me know if you try juicing and how you like it.
I’ve never been convinced by juice fasts but it sounds like you had a good experience! Great time to do it as well!!
I was surprised as how much I enjoyed it. It just gave me a little boost and cleanse that I have been needing. I am still feeling great and it’s been almost 2 weeks now 🙂
I did juicing for a while and then my friend sent me an article about the way sugar in fruit changes its chemical composition when you blend it and I backed away! Its great for the vitamins but not so great on the high sugar so be aware!
Great to know. Will definitely read up more on this.
Wow, this really sounds like you had an amazing time with this juice detox! I was always skeptical about it, but your review really sounds like it’s doable. How were your teeth doing? Did you have any problems?
Hey Kat! It’s been almost 2 weeks since my procedure and I am doing great. I would definitely recommend taking a few days off work so you can relax and rest up. I think this helped with my juicing too. I didn’t have any problems whew!
Great results, and the juices look good. I’m with you on the beets!
I have 3 wisdom teeth I need removed. Boo! I am a nervous wreck. What a perfect time to try the juicing detox. I’ve always been curious about those…but I am so picky and wonder if I could actually drink it. Sounds like the benefits are worth it, though! Good job on getting through this and thank you for sharing!!
Ekk! I am absolutely HATE the dentist, but I found an amazing one who was wonderful. I asked to be put to sleep and honestly, my teeth didn’t hurt afterwards. It was just difficult so chew so thank goodness for the juices 🙂 They really got me through – consult with your doctor to make sure it’s ok to do.
I am going to have to try this!!
Glad you had such a great experience! I’m intrigued by juice cleanses, but scared to try it.
These actually do look quite yummy! I think because they are prepared that would be half my battle. Thanks for showing me about your experience and this company.
Wow – good for you! I don’t know if I’d be able to do this. But my skin needs some help so maybe I should try this!
Jeans and a Teacup
My skin improvement was the biggest surprise and I was sooo thrilled about it! It’s been almost 2 weeks and I’ve had a couple bumps come back but not like before. Skin is still really soft and my texture is way better 🙂
oooh I’ve been so interested in juicing! I love hearing people’s experiences! If there’s somthing I need it’s more energy, juicing may be the way to go :))
Wow they look really good, do you know if they are available in Australia at all? I Would love to give it a go!
Hey Sam! I think they are just local now. Plus, once the juices are delivered, they should be consumed within 5 days because it’s cold-pressed.
Linh! I have been wanting to try a juice cleanse for almost a year now. You may have convinced me with this one! Thanks for the info 🙂 XO-Natalie (www.natkingcouture.com)
Wow! this these juice looks so delicious. I can’t wait to try them out. I’m glad you felt great after juicing.