Marli has been the SWEETEST always wanting to rub and kiss my belly. She found one of her old toys from when she was a newborn and keeps telling me “Mommy, I bought ‘dis for the baby. This is a pwwezzent for her.” The other day, her grandfather told her he was going to pick the baby up and carry her around and of course Marli, being the protective sister she is, said “Noooo…baby has to stay in mommy’s belly.” Haha!
FEELING: Overall, I have way more energy than my 1st trimester. However, I didn’t realize how exhausted I was coming back from my CA trip, but I slept A LOT that week back. Other than that, it’s been smooth sailing – I feel like I’m on cruise control (which is how I felt when I was pregnant with Marli).
CRAVINGS: Just random things, but I’m still cooking/baking up a storm when I do get a craving! I ate so much when I was in CA for our trip. This is also around the time the baby’s taste buds are starting to develop to I rarely turn down any food. I want this baby tasting everything!
EXERCISE: I officially stopped running after 21 weeks. Holy moly the back pains and pressure on my pelvis were crazy! So it’s been long walks and some really lights weights. And…by the end of a full day of eating, I’ve caught myself waddling around the house on more than one occasion. Ha!
SLEEPING: I try to get in bed by 10pm each night, but sleeping is starting to get difficult with my growing belly. Pillows (especially my Snoogle) have been my BFF! Also, I’ve had a few random nights of leg cramps while sleeping and of course the waking up 1-3 times a night to go pee.
Our next doctor’s appointment will include a glucose test (boo…) and I am hoping I pass. I failed with Marli so I had to monitor my diet, but in the end, our doctor told me I had pseudo GD. Also, he said I will get a whooping cough shot. It’s a new thing doctors are administering to pregnant women. Fun!

How cute are you! Congrats on your pregnancy!
Thank you!
You are just ADORABLE! What a beautiful little family you’re building. Congrats to you!
You’re the sweetest. Thank you!
You are so pretty and have such a cute bump! I have found that with each of my pregnancies I get more and more tired, probably because we have little ones to run after. 🙂
Yes! I thought it was only me, but other mommies who are preggo with their 2nd or 3rd tell me they are so much more tired.
You have the cutest baby belly! 24 weeks was the perfect time, because you have all the perks of pregnancy, like feeling the baby and that pregnancy glow, but you aren’t quite big enough to be uncomfortable yet. You’re daughter is so precious and looks like she’ll be the most helpful and loving big sister!
Aww, thank you!