In all honesty, I am terrified. Everyone tells you that ‘Terrible Twos’ are a breeze compared to the Threenager Stage and I’m here to tell you – THEY ARE RIGHT – because if the past 2 weeks is a glimpse of what’s to come in the next year, oh em gee. I will pray for a lot of patience and grace.
(1) She suddenly has an opinion…about everything. And let it be known she will call you out when you say/do something wrong….and probably tattle tell on you.
(2) She wants to pick out her own clothes (which for M at this stage is dresses for all occasions.) I “learned” this little tactic pretty fast and would only give her 2 options to cut down on time and meltdowns.
(4) In the course of 1 day, there will most likely be at least 1 request to wear some sort of costume. For Marli, it’s been a princess dress of some kind.
(6) She thinks SHE is the grown up . She will either tell me to calm down, count to 3, or give me a timeout.
(8) When she wants to continue doing something, she always says “I just wanna play for just a little bit” or “Ok mommy, but Imma play for just 5 more minutes ok?”
(9) She has been fighting her naps lately, but gets super cranky by 7pm.
(10) And threenagers + patience do. not. mix. Her favorite line is “But I want to do it now” or “But I want to go now” NOW NOW NOW. Ugh….

Leggings were a lifesaver for me when my girls were that age (actually, they still wear lots of leggings and they’re 4 and 7). With leggings they could wear the dress they so desperately wanted to wear and still be warm enough outside this time of year. Saved on so many disagreements!
LOL!! Your post had me cracking up!! I mean, I’m totally sorry to hear that you’re going bonkers (really, I am!), but your pics with your list is on point! Number 6 & 7 were my faves. Hang in there!!
Thank you! I feel like having a support system is so important in these hard times, even if it means venting via social media to other mamas
The term threenager made me laugh. Your daughter is adorable and although I am excited to have kids in the future, this stage probably will not be my favorite. haha
I literally lol’d throughout this post, Linh. She is so cute but I can hear my mom saying the same exact things about me at that age! I remember having a total meltdown because my socks didn’t match!
Haha! After our missing shoe incident, I totally believe it LOL
Three is the WORST!! My daughter is now 5 so I’ve already lived it with her and now I’m going through it again with my 3 yr old son! Although, he is so much easier…girls are tough!
I hear it gets so much better after they turn 4 so I am literally counting down the days haha
She is SO cute! My daughter always wanted to wear dresses when she was a toddler, too.