She’s here! Meet the newest leading lady in our lives – Miss Matea Joelle Nguyen. Born exactly 1 week ago on January 27th, 2016 at 7:57am weighing 5 lbs 15 ounces and 19.75 inches long.
I can’t even begin to put into words how full my heart felt when I heard her sweet little cry for the very first time. Perfectly healthy, happy, and so beautiful 🙂
I can’t even begin to put into words how full my heart felt when I heard her sweet little cry for the very first time. Perfectly healthy, happy, and so beautiful 🙂
I delivered her 2 days shy of her 38 week mark and we were so anxious to meet her! If you’ve been following my pregnancy, then you know we found out she was frank breech at 35 weeks and was measuring small due to an unknown growth restriction (possibly my placenta not working at 100% to give baby the optimal nutrients she needed).
I tried several exercises to turn her, but was unsuccessful. So after A LOT of discussion and prayer, we decided to deliver her around 38 weeks via a scheduled c-section. (I’ll have another post on my c-section experience coming soon.)
We stayed in the hospital from Wed-Fri, but I like to think of it as a little staycation haha Am I the only one that actually likes to stay in hospitals? The staff at Methodist Sugar Land were PHENOMENAL (but I’m not surprised since I delivered Marli there as well). Our family visited us, but overall, it was a really quiet and peaceful time to bond with my little one.
This was a little selfie before leaving to go home. See how teeny tiny she is? I could stick her in my pocket.
Ok, can I get to the BEST part about this whole experience? Now Marli officially has a sister to love on and play with when she gets older!!! I’ve been telling Marli about Matea’s arrival and how she would no longer be in my belly, but she would get to visit me at the hospital and meet her new little sister.
Well, my heart LITERALLY bursted when she saw Matea for the first time. She immediately jumped onto my bed to see her little sister and gave her the sweetest and most gentle kisses all over. She was SO excited she got to hold her sister too!
Well, my heart LITERALLY bursted when she saw Matea for the first time. She immediately jumped onto my bed to see her little sister and gave her the sweetest and most gentle kisses all over. She was SO excited she got to hold her sister too!
Since being home, it’s become a little routine of hers to give her sister morning kisses and sing to her. It is seriously the cutest thing ever. And, she is SO helpful with feedings, diaper changes, etc. and always wants to help. With Marli being so attached to me, I wasn’t sure how she would handle the transition, but it has been nothing short of amazing.
We still can’t tell if she resembles more of me or my hubby so we’ll see after we plump her up a bit. She does look like Marli is some of her newborn photos, though.
Happy One Week sweet little girl! We are so incredibly blessed and lucky to have you in our lives. God is so good to have blessed us with such a gift.
Though she be but small, she is fierce…

Congratulations. Two beautiful girls with beautiful names. We actually considered Matea for our 3rd daughter, but it had no Irish connection and my older 3 kids all have Irish names, so we didn’t choose it. I love that name. I hope you are recovering well and getting some sleep.
Thank you! We thought for sure we were having a boy and have always loved the name Matteo so when we found out it was actually a girl, we put a twist on the name. ☺
She’s so beautiful! I love her name!
Thank you, Lisa!
Congratulations! She’s absolutely beautiful and the perfect addition to your family! It truly is the most amazing feeling once your little one is finally here!
Isn’t it? We are still in shock we are a family of 4 now.
Oh my goodness what a little sweetie! I am currently 35 weeks with our first and these pictures have me swooning. I can’t wait to snuggle our little bug like you are in all these adorable pictures!
Aww, congrats!! Motherhood is amazing.
She is absolutely precious!! How far apart are the girls? Did you have a c section your first girl? I have a 26 month old and we are expecting a boy in April!
The girls are almost 3 yrs apart and no, I had a natural drug free birth with my first. So, this delivery was a complete 180.
Goodness what a sweet baby!
Thank you!
This is such a precious update!! Your family is truly beautiful and blessed!! I ended up having c-sections with both girls. It definitely wasn’t what I thought would happen but I’m so happy to have two healthy girls! Love you Linh! ❤️