When Matea was born 5 months ago, I foolishly assumed she would mimic the same eating and sleeping patterns as her Big Sister. In fact, I naively thought “this is going to be so much easier the 2nd time around because I know what to expect and I’m sure she’ll be just as easy to take care of.” Well friends, I am here to tell you nothing could be further from the truth.
I love my little nuggets, but they are different on so many levels. I was spoiled with Marli because everything was so easy with her – from the pregnancy, delivery, and recovery to getting on a sleeping schedule (where she started sleeping through the night at 4 months old). In Matea’s case, however, it’s definitely been a learning curve. Getting her to sleep for 4-5 hour stretches at night has been a challenge AND because she is also really needy, she constantly wants to be held or be in the same room as me….or else she’ll continue to cry.

If you’ve been following along on her monthly updates, then you know that a week before she turned 4 months, she contracted a bad cold which completely threw off her bedtime schedule. Add on the dreaded sleep regression phase + teething and yea….no one was getting any sleep! We tried letting her sleep in the Nap Nanny like we did with Marli (who LOVED it), but she absolutely hated it. I mean who doesn’t love the Nap Nanny! I was really at a loss so naturally I did what any parent does. I took to the internet to answer my prayers and that’s when I came across the DockATot. (cue the angels singing)
If you’re reading this, chances are you probably already know what this is (or have seen one floating around the internet), but if you don’t, the DockATot is a multi-functional portable dock (bed) that is designed to mimic the mother’s womb creating a snug and comfortable environment for baby to lounge, play, rest, and sleep in. Sounds glorious? Yea, it kind of is. But I will be honest – when I saw the price tag, I had major sticker shock. The Deluxe style designed for babies 0-8 months is $165-185 and the Grand style for 9 -36 month old babies is $260-$290. Not exactly chump change, right?
So the REAL question that I’ve been asked a bazillion times is – Is it REALLY worth the investment?
And my answer is a BIG hands down HECK YES!
Matea also practices her tummy time on her DockATot so I don’t need to lug around her Boppy Pillow. I mean really – who needs MORE baby stuff laying around the house?!?! And, when she’s on her back, she can play with her play gym.Also, because we’re still co-sleeping, it is SO much safer to put her in her DockATot so I don’t accidentally roll on her while sleeping. (We have a bassinet that cost us just as much as our dock, but she isn’t as fond of it.) And while she isn’t sleeping through the night yet, she has been slowly sleeping for longer stretches with each week that passes. #progressI can’t speak for the Grand style, but I plan on getting it once Matea outgrows her Deluxe because I know she’ll love it. So, if you really think about it, the Deluxe DockATot ($185) comes out to less than a dollar a day if you use it every day for 8 months! Totally worth the investment to me! Thanks for reading and hope this review was helpful. I’m always happy to answer any questions you have in the comments below (or you can find me on my Instagram).
Have a beautiful weekend, lovelies!

Oh how I wish I would have known about this when Lily was born! She was as opposite a sleeper (as in she didn’t) as her big sister as she could be. This is so functional and smart!!
This looks like it would be perfect for traveling! The pack and play takes up so much space in the car. I would love to take this instead.
I love this idea! I so wish I had known about these ingenius inventions when my girls were little babies! I am passing this along to my pregnant friends!!!
I love DockATot! I can’t wait to get one for my next kiddo. It looks like it has so many great uses illustrated nicely in your photos.
She is so cute! I totally want a dock a tot for my next baby!
Thanks for the honest review. It is on my wishlist for my baby boy due in May, but I was wondering if I really need it or if I’m just excited to buy him things! Seems like I can put it in the “necessity” column 🙂
Thanks for reading Patrice! I would definitely put this on your registry! It would be a great gift 🙂
What do you think about placing the dock inside the crib? I know it isn’t recomended, but it seems like it would be fine as long as they can’t roll out of it. Thoughts?
Hey Kimberly! I did place it in the crib during the early stages before she was able to roll over, but I always made sure to close the bottom buckle and monitor her closely. Definitely do what’s best for you and your LO, but for the most part, I placed the DockaTot in our bed and living area so I could watch her 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by to read my post.