Hellooooo guys! Can you believe there’s actually a new post today? I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet on here and Instagram, but life has been so busy, messy, and tiring lately that I decided to step back for a little mommy timeout. More about that later on, but I wanted to dive into this fab outfit post first. Black on black is probably one of my favorite color combos to wear for date night, a girl’s night out, or if I’m attending a fancy event. I know – how boring, right? Wrong. Not only is black universally flattering on ANYONE, but I love how polished and chic I feel in a good black outfit.
This beautiful black lace top has become my go to black top to wear out and for good reason. The delicate detail, the 3/4 bell sleeve, and length make this lace top the perfect one to add to your wardrobe. Oh yes, did I mention it’s less than $25?? Yes, girl. YASSS. I wore a little bralette underneath it, but you can also pair it with a tank if you want more coverage. I paired it with these jeggings from Old Navy that I love, but you could also wear them with your favorite skinny jeans or tuck it into a flared skirt for a great formal look.
So life as of late has been hard. While I really enjoy snapping photos of my outfits and motherhood moments, I hope you know that this is just a tiny glimpse of the big picture. For every “picture perfect” moment I post on my blog or Instagram, there’s a handful of bad ones I don’t share. An overly tired momma, daily meltdowns, and a cluttered home are just a few examples of those real life moments I experience daily. I hope you don’t think I live this perfect little life because I don’t. And I’m ok with that, but man, some days (or in this case – weeks) have been tough.
Matea wasn’t sleeping. I was feeling under the weather (and super tired). Marli had 2 days off which meant I had to find activities to keep both girls entertained/busy. My house was a hot mess. The pressures of social media were getting to me. My body was feeling so blah. Etc. Etc. Etc. I think you feel me.
So, I took a break from blogging/social media and went to IKEA with my dad to get organized. I think the clutter in my house was mentally weighing me down and sure enough, I was right. I spent 3 (yes 3!) entire days PURGING all of Marli, Matea, and my things and holy moly guys. I feel like a completely new person. Matea’s room (which also doubles as my home office) got a complete makeover and I absolutely LOVE how clean, organized, and bright her room is now! Plus, we purged ALL of their toys and organized them into separate bins and I cannot tell you how many times I heard Marli saying “oh mama! I have been looking for that toy!” We threw away 2 boxes of broken toys and filled 5 bags of clothing to donate to charity! I will also be selling some on HERE if you’re interested in shopping my closet or Marli/Matea’s closet. (I haven’t posted anything but will work on it this weekend.)
Affiliate Links: c/o Black Lace Top | Black Jeggings | YSL Clutch (also in gold HERE) | Heels (similar)
In regards to my workout regiment, it’s been a roller coaster ride trying to get back in shape. For the most part, I’ve been doing OK, but I know I could do better. Plus my body has been feeling so run down lately so I decided to complete a 3-day juicing detox with Squeezed to reboot my body into gear. I’m already on my 2nd day and only have 1 more to go! I did this a couple years ago with the same company and LOVED the benefits except I picked a slightly different plan this time around. I’ll be doing a full recap on my results so stay tuned, but in the mean time, you can get 20% off your order with code LINH if you live in the Houston, San Antonio, or Austin area. The best part? Squeezed delivers it right to your doorstep!
Sorry this was a bunch of rambling, but I wanted to shed some light onto why I took a little break from blogging/social media. More importantly, I hope we can all relate to each other that sometimes life is just plain hard and for that, I am SUPER grateful that I can vent, discuss, and lean on you guys for your support. That’s what this community is about and I am beyond grateful for this cool tribe we have. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this super long post. XOXO
Photography: Hayley Jackson Photography

We all need a break sometimes!! Purging is good for the soul!
I am such a fan of lace! This top is so classy and gorgeous with the bell sleeves!
This top is perfect! You look absolutely stunning! Hope you had a great break!
I’m about to take a break too! It can be exhausting. Also you look stunning.
That top is incredible! It looks soo good on you!
that top is so pretty! It’s the perfect way to dress up a pair of skinny black jeans! Sometimes you do need to take a break to take stock of life and just relax.
LOVE your style girl! This shirt is so beautiful and classic!
We absolutely all need a break sometimes!! and decluttering is the BEST. One time (i suspect pregnancy hormones had a lot to do with it) I called 1-800- Got Junk and happily watched as they did the work for me. All you had to do was point and they took it out of my house.