Happy Fit Friday guys! I’ve got an awesome 20 minute HIIT Leg Workout to show you today, but first some great news! So I did something a little exciting (and scary) – I launched a Youtube Channel. Wahooo!!!! It’s been a long time coming, but a lot of you expressed interest in some workout videos soooo….ask and you shall receive. Here’s a confession – I’m actually terrified of being on camera not to mention my fear that no one is going to watch my silly videos so if you could do me a huge favor and subscribe to my Youtube Channel, I will LOVE you forever and ever. I figured even if no one watches them, I can always refer back to them 5 or 10 years from now for kicks and laughs. 🙂 Mind you, I am completely clueless as to what I’m doing so bear with me as I teach myself how to record, edit, and upload the videos. I promise the quality will get better, but hey – you have to start somewhere. (Side note – don’t be surprised if you see tiny little photobombers in my videos. They like to drop in from time to time. Ha!)
Essentially, my goal is to periodically post videos pertaining to fitness and health, style, and beauty tutorials (like hairstyle or product reviews), but I am definitely open to hearing your thoughts if there’s something in particular you want to see. I’ve said this before, but this year is all about stepping outside my comfort zone and trying new things so I hope you’ll join and enjoy my posts.
And while we’re on the topic of new additions to my blog, there’s also something I wanted to quickly highlight. Can you guess what it is? At the top of my page, I created a category for all of my Top Houston Picks. I am SUPER excited about this page because these shops are brands I have partnered up with professionally or personally and absolutely adore. I hope you’ll visit the page to find out more about those small shops and support them. And, if you’re a Houston based business (or Texas) and would like to collaborate, shoot me an email on my Contact page.
While things have been a little quiet on here with my workouts, don’t be fooled. I have been working my butt off and if you follow my Instagram, you’ve been my snaps on Instastory. The weather has been amazing so I’ve been taking full advantage of outdoor workouts and utilizing our home gym. I finally had some time to tape this 20 Minute HIIT Leg Workout because you know I love my short and intense workouts. They are soooo good for your body and burn a ton of calories even after you stop working out.
Here’s the rundown of the workout. Complete the entire round with NO rest.
2 Minute Warm-Up (i.e. light jog, jump rope, jumping jacks)
10 Barbell Squats
20 Free Standing Kickbacks (10 per leg) – squeeze those glutes!
20 Alternating Jump Lunges – watch your form with those knees
10 Front Weight Squats
12 Box Jumps – explode off the ground and land softly on the box/bench in a squat position
12 Deadlifts – so good for those hammies
15 Jumping Squats – yup, more squats 🙂
15 Lunges w/ Overhead Weights
30 Yard Sprint (appx length of basketball court)
Rest 1-2 minute. Repeat 2 more times.
If you have more time to spare, I always end it with a 10 minute jog if my legs haven’t given out on me. Ha! No pain no gain. Let me know if you try this and what you think. Have a great weekend, loves!

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