Hey guys and happy Fri-yay! So, I did a thing. (If we’re friends on FB or you’re following me on Instagram, you already know. And THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the love and support!) Last Saturday, I was asked to speak at the Houston Family Magazine’s B.A.B.Y. Expo and share my personal fitness journey since becoming a mom. To say I was nervous was an understatement! I mean, it’s one thing to share the stage with someone else or have a Q&A session, but I was front and center for 20 minutes all by myself. (Just thinking about it is making me sweat. LOL)
Luckily, the staff and audience made me feel so welcomed and before I knew it, those 20 minutes flew by. It’s crazy to think that I almost passed up this amazing opportunity all because of fear. Fear of taking the stage. Fear of failing. Fear of not having anyone actually take the time to sit down and listen to me. I was setting myself up for failure even before doing anything.
But then I remembered something. Fear held me back from so many things last year and I knew I wasn’t going to make the same mistake. I did a lot of soul searching earlier this year with myself + the direction I envisioned for my blog going forward and this opportunity was a prime example of God’s work. He was giving me a chance to grow both personally + professionally while connecting with the community through my personal story. All I had to do was commit.
That’s kind of how fitness works, right? Taking that first step is always the hardest, but once you commit, it’s the best feeling in the world. As promised, I wanted to recap my 10 Tips for Getting Back In Shape After Baby from the event in case you weren’t able to attend. I hope you find these fitness tips helpful and would love to hear what gets you up and moving.
I can’t stress this enough. There is no deadline to getting back in shape! Don’t feel like you need to fit into what society “thinks” is best for you. Let YOUR body tell you when it’s ready especially right after pregnancy. And this goes beyond anything fitness related. I think as moms, we are so hard on ourselves to have it all and do it all. And quite frankly, it’s exhausting. Just know that YOUR best is enough.
Don’t compare your Chapter One to someone else’s Chapter 20. We’re all guilty of this, even me. So put a stop to it. We compare ourselves to women we know, strangers we see, those “perfect” fitness models/celebs on Instagram, and worst – our OLD self.
Stop comparing the person you are NOW to the person you WERE a year ago or 5 years ago. Our bodies have changed, our lives have changed, and that’s OK! Instead of wishing we had that pre-baby body back, focus on the healthy lifestyle we WANT for the future and find positive ways to get there. If you do this, the only path you’ll be headed is forward!
Why do you want to get fit? What drives you to be better? If you would have asked me this 10 years ago, I would have said “because I want a hot body.” Now as a mother of 2, my focus has shifted to more than just the physical rewards. I wanted to focus on taking care of my body from the inside out. I wanted to feel confident, strong, and empowered again and I knew working out would get me there again. My other “why” was of course my girls. I wanted more energy to play with them and relationship wise, I just wanted to be a happier and more positive momma.
Big goals are great, but it’s important to break them down into smaller attainable ones. That way, you don’t lose focus of “the big picture.” Plus, they’re great ways to celebrate those small victories!
Tracking your progress is SO important! Write it down, record it on your app, or take progress photos. I know – it feels silly, but trust me on this one. You may not notice those small changes taking place, but by comparing those progress photos each month, you’ll be amazed to see all your hard work paying off. That’s some serious motivation to keep going!
Repeat after me. The number on the scale does NOT define you. Your measure of success is NOT determined by how much you weigh! Weighing yourself can be one of the ways, but it’s not on the top of my list. Don’t believe me? Check out Kelsey Wells of the PWR Workout Programs. Kelsey (who is also a mom) often circulates THIS & THIS before/after photo of her and it’s a true testament of what fit is to her.
Yes, I said it. Go out and get yourself some cute workout gear. We invest in clothing for work and date nights so why not for our workouts too? There’s nothing more motivating than looking and feeling good in what you wear especially when it involves a lot of movement so invest in 3-4 outfits for your workouts. Plus, it’s a great excuse to shop! Choose items that give you room to move, have great support, and are breathable. I like buying pieces I can mix/match and aim for dark colors to “mask” those trouble areas. And don’t worry – you don’t have to break the bank doing it. My favorite places to shop for affordable pieces include Target, Gordmans, Marshalls, and Old Navy.
Getting fit doesn’t require a gym membership. There are SO many great apps and online workouts you can do now in the comfort of your own home and they work! Thankfully, I discovered Karina Elle’s program last year and it literally changed my life. My friends have also had great success with Bikini Body Guide (also known as BBG) and I’ve been wanting to try Chris & Heidi Powell’s TransformApp. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned fitness junkie, all 3 of these programs can cater to your needs. And, if you ever decide to take it to the gym, you can use these apps there too!
If you’re just starting out, just get up and get moving. Take it to the park, include your kids, or get in a workout while the kids are playing. Some of my favorite parks include Memorial Park, Evelyn’s Park, Levy Park, Discovery Green, and Oyster Creek Park in Sugar Land.
Work smarter, not harder. Through the years, I’ve learned that HIIT workouts are my jam and if you’re not already doing them, start now! I talk about HIIT all the time, but if you’re new to the game, it stands for high intensity interval training. Essentially, you go hard for an X amount of time followed by a short recovery and it works! It’s not easy, but it is so worth it. Why? Because you’re working your muscles harder for a shorter amount of time. But here’s the best part – you’ll continue to burn calories even after your workout for up to 24 hours.
Workouts are way more fun with friends! You can help keep each other motivated, hold each other accountable, and be a great support system throughout your fitness journeys together. Plus, it’s a great way to get out and socialize with your friends.
At the very least, cleaning up your diet will do wonders for your body! You can see results just by eating right even without any exercise, but it’s really hard to see any progress if you workout hard but eat a bunch of junk.
I’m not saying you should eat salads for the next month because that’s just crazy talk. I’m talking about creating a healthy balanced lifestyle. I love this saying – extremes are easy, but balance is hard – because it is so true! I enjoy eating clean when I can, but let’s be honest – I love my carbs and sweets too. That’s why I live by the 80/20 rule, which is eating healthy 80% of the time and allowing for those cheat meals for the remaining 20%. Find out what works for you + your family and get everyone on board!
So, 5 years later after becoming a mother, I’m still learning, I’m still growing, and I think I’ll always be a work in progress. Choosing a healthier lifestyle is just that – a daily choice I get to make over and over again. And it truly is a blessing that I’m allowed that gift.
I hope that by sharing my story as well as what has helped me get to this point in my life, I can encourage you in some way. Just remember that you did something pretty amazing. YOU gave life to this beautiful growing being so that alone should be celebrated. Embrace your imperfections, embrace your new body, and love it fiercely. Be good to it, celebrate it, nourish it, and take time to care for it.
I’ll be sharing a fun 20-Minute Lower Body Tabata Workout on Tuesday so stay tuned for more! Thanks so much for taking time to read this post, guys! Have a great weekend!
Photography by Hayley Jackson Photography

I love that you mentioned to find a reason why. I find that unless I don’t try to figure out my own reasoning for myself to do it it doesn’t take priority as much. Or it’s easy to shrug it off. For myself if I think my reason why is just because I want to look good in a photo that’s not really good enough. Know what I mean?
Thanks so much, Kate! Finding what really motivates you will help push you through when the going gets tough.
I always have mad respect for those who really commit to getting their body back post baby! I would cave easily haha.
Aw thanks so much, Alix!
That’s awesome that you were able to overcome your fear! Good for you not letting it stop you! Public speaking is my #1 fear – makes me sweat thinking about it too haha These are great tips, too. I think finding your why is so important.
Thank you! I am definitely not a natural, but I’m so glad I did it.
Diet goes hand in hand with it always, so that’s a great point!
I totally agree!
Wow! This is really great to read this article. Just love this wonderful article. So much valuable & informative also. Just keep it up.