This post has been sitting in my drafts for over 3 years, but today, I finally get to make it official. Drum roll please! I am so happy to share that we now have 2 potty trained kids in our house! Matea earned her stars this past weekend and I don’t know who’s more excited – me or her. Long gone are the days of stinky diapers and I can’t say I’m mad about it. At one point, I was a bit nervous because Matea started so much later than Marli, but once she was ready, I was able to potty train her in just a few days like I did with her big sis. Today, I’m sharing my tips on how you can potty train your child in 3 days and make it successful.
First and foremost, make sure your toddler is ready to be potty trained. There’s nothing worse than forcing them to learn a new task that can be so foreign to what they’ve been used to since birth. Look for certain cues like an interest in using the toilet, comprehension of what peeing/pooping is, and habits they often exhibit when they need to go. Both M&M would often go hide in a corner when they needed to poop so I knew it was time to start trying.
Once you know they’re on board with potty training, take them to the store to pick out their own gear. This will get them so excited about taking care of their new things all while allowing them to feel empowered. Let them choose their favorite underwear, toilet seat, and even a book or toy as motivation to follow through on it. This toilet seat I purchased played music each time they used the bathroom and it was a hit!
While you’re at the store, be sure to stock up on all the potty training essentials like a variety of their favorite treats, a box of Nice ‘n CLEAN Baby Wipes, a waterproof mattress protector, toilet paper, and some disinfecting wipes. I recently switched over to these baby wipes after using another trusted brand for years and absolutely love them. They’re thick, absorbent, and super durable but still very gentle on the skin. I use the sensitive unscented ones for the girls, but always keep an individual pack of the green tea & cucumber scent in my car because it smells amazing! Either way, both scents are hypoallergenic and free of any alcohol, dyes, parabens, phthalates, or chlorine. They come in a variety of sizes – individual pack, triple pack, or a large box – and are available at your local HEB. Remember – there will be plenty of accidents as they learn so be patient and have these essentials on standby.
Pick a long weekend, hunker down, and be prepared to follow your toddler around like your life depends on it. It’s going to be tough, but if you stay consistent and get your little one in a rhythm of using the restroom at the right time, you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel before you know it.
During our 3 days of potty training, I wanted to make access as easy as possible so they only wore underwear around the house. Also, I kept the toilet close by (usually in the living room) which helped a ton. I gave them a cup of water every hour to drink and made them practice using the bathroom every 15 minutes. If they went, they got a treat. If they went #2 on the potty, they got a big treat plus tons of praising.
I used the timer on my phone to keep track of restroom breaks, but there are plenty of great apps with fun games as well for the kids. If your little one is having trouble going, turning on the water may help them go. Another way to make using the restroom easy is to feed them fibrous foods. If you have a boy, throw some cheerios into the bowl and let him aim at it when he has to go. It makes for a fun game! Lastly, add food coloring as a fun surprise and motivation for them to go.
It’s so crazy to think that these tips worked on both my girls even though one started just before turning 2 and the other finally got it down a couple months after turning 3 years old. It just goes to show you again that timing and patience are key. I really hope these tips were helpful for you and would love to hear if you have others to add. Leave them in the comments below!
“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and NicePak, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #NicenCleanatHEB http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV”

I love this post!! My daughter was fully potty trained by 18 months she was a breeze. My son, on the other hand, is a nightmare. He really loved sitting on the potty seat and wearing big boy underwear but will not go on the potty and once I told him what it is used for now won’t sit on it he looks and me and says yucky. But he is only 2 we will there!!
It’s such an amazing moment to reach that point! It feels like it’s such a slow process but it’s worth it!
Thanks for the tips! I don’t have kids but I teach 2-3 years old and they are learning how to use the potty and trying to figure out how to tell when it is time to go to the bathroom.