With it being back-to-school, I’m sure my girls are going to bring home so many activities, artwork, stories and all kinds of germs to share with me. Thankfully, I’m working to keep my immune system healthy and strong. Congaplex is a nutritional supplement that helps support healthy immune system function* while containing ribonucleic acid and antioxidant vitamin A. I take 3 capsules with each meal. Purchase it online or find it at a health practitioner near you HERE.

If you asked my girls what I love to do the most, they would say “Sleep! Mommy loves to sleep!” I definitely concur with this statement, but that’s probably because I rarely ever get a good full night’s sleep…because kids. Whether you’re a parent or not, did you know over 50% of Americans don’t meet the daily dietary magnesium requirement1?? That’s where E-Z Mg comes in. This plant-based, organic magnesium supplement helps support central nervous system health* by providing multiple forms of magnesium. This correlates with sleep because the body relies on the release of this mineral to help promote the sleep process amongst other things. Ever since taking this, I find myself being less restless at night and my sleep has really improved. Purchase it online or find it at a health practitioner near you HERE.
Standard Process has so many amazing supplements for men, women, children, and even pets! I’d love to hear what supplements you’re taking or what interests you from their site. Thanks for reading my National Wellness Month Picks for August!

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