“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
3 JOHN 1:4
I would have been happy either way, but I just love the fact that Marli gets a little sister to play dress up and have tea parties with. She has been SUCH a girlie girl lately – wanting to wear dresses ALL the time and she is obsessed with princesses.
The nurse measured her heartbeat at 145 beats per minute and she weighs about 8 oz. At the 20-week mark, the baby is the size of a banana.
I started feeling baby kick at about 18 weeks, but now she is kicking A TON especially on my lower right side (which seems to be where she likes to hang out). With my 1st pregnancy, I didn’t actually feel (or was aware it was a kick) until 20 weeks and the only reason I felt it was because she kicked me during the ultrasound appointment and the nurse said “Opp! Did you feel that? She just gave you a little kick!” (to which I exclaimed “OMG! Yes!”)
FEELING: My nausea FINALLY went away after 17 weeks and I have so much more energy now. I can go without taking a midday nap and not feel like zombie. But I do get tired after 630pm.
CRAVINGS: Just random things, but I have been cooking/baking up a storm when I do get a craving! Can’t say my husband is complaining. He’s been eating like a champ Ha!
EXERCISE: I’ve been doing light weights 1-2 times a week and walking/running 3 times a week. I am noticing more back pain when running so I need to work on strengthening my lower abs.
SLEEPING: I try to get in bed by 10pm each night, but sleeping is starting to get difficult with my growing belly. Pillows (especially my Snoogle) have been my BFF! Also, I’ve had a few random nights of leg cramps while sleeping and of course the waking up 1-3 times a night to go pee.
EXCITED FOR: Feeling more kicks/movement, the next doctor’s appointment so I can hear baby’s heartbeat, getting some professional maternity pictures done, and the nesting phase.

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