Hi guys! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We had the most amazing time with our family and it was so nice to unplug from social media + blogging for a few days. I think the highlight of our weekend was Marli’s reaction on Christmas morning when she saw what Santa and Baby Jesus brought her. Pure joy guys!
In other news, Miss Matea is 11 months old today! I cannot believe she will be ONE in a month. I am so not ready for her to turn one. This post is LONG overdue because I completely #momfailed with her recent 9 and 10 month updates….which never happened. I know. I suck. And now, I am REALLY regretting it because the past couple months have been a complete blur. In retrospect, she is developing well so that’s all that matters, but I guess a small part of me is sad because I kept a record of all of Marli’s milestones and I am struggling to keep up with Matea’s too. So, let’s backtrack the past few months and see what her biggest milestones are.
She visited the doctor and got her stats: Height – 29.25 (96th percentile) | Weight – 19 lbs 11oz (74th percentile) | Head – 18in (91st percentile)
I’d have to say her biggest milestone was at 9 1/2 months when she took 10 solid steps from the couch to me. It was quite a sight to see. She also learned to nod “yes” and would say “yay” if she wanted more food. Other than that, she is getting into EVERYTHINGGGG and it’s exhausting trying to keep up with her.
She also started taking a BIG interest in our food so I’ve been feeding her a ton of finger foods – carrots, peas, broccoli, grapes, apples, bread, chicken, turkey sausage, eggs, etc. Let’s just say she has a hearty appetite.
Well, it was bound to happen. At 10 months and a few days, Tay Tay started walking. It was crazy. One night she was pushing one of Marli’s toys in her play area and then next thing we knew, she just started walking. Talk about a fast learner. And, because she wants to explore every nook and cranny in our house, she hates being confined to one space (unless you literally sit there with her).
She is super playful with her sister and loves peek-a-boo games. She also learned to throw balls (or really any object), put things in baskets, clap her hands, blow kisses, wave hi/bye, and does the sweetest little gesture when you pick her up. She’ll place her head on your chest and “sing.” Melts my heart every. single. time. She also learned to turn on/off the light switch, say “light” in Vietnamese, and she has this crazy love for stars. She points to them every single time we go into her room.
She no longer likes to eat baby food. It has to be the real stuff and she’s a HUGE meat lover (unlike her sister). I swear – they are complete opposites. And she also loves grapes.
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Her biggest milestone this month has been sprouting her top 2 teeth (so now she has 4 total). I know she’s loving it too because she is eating everything in sight! She’s still wearing size 3 diapers and can fit up to 18 month clothes in some brands. Seriously, can you stop growing?? I’m sure she’s over 20 lbs now because lugging her around in her car seat has given me a serious workout.
I have been trying to teach her to use a sippy cup and utensils, but man – she LOVES to throw things off her table (which drives me nuts!). Any advice how to stop this behavior??
She had the best time visiting our family and opening presents on Christmas. All smiles and giggles and she sure loved all the extra attention 🙂 She sure is feisty, but my goodness – that smile and dimple melts my heart every time. Can’t wait to start planning her 1st birthday party!

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