Hey guys! Hope you had a great weekend. I just realized I never posted any of our Christmas photos so I wanted to share a few snaps from that chilly morning. We froze our tails off, but these little nuggets were all smiles for the camera. Don’t you just love Matea’s resting baby face? Ha! Anyways, looking at these photos makes me realize how far we’ve come as a family. I still pinch myself sometimes – like is this real? Are we really a family of four??
I have learned so much about myself and motherhood this past year alone and wanted to share a few of them with you. It hasn’t been all rainbows and roses, but my goodness – I wouldn’t trade in this gig for anything in the world. My heart is fuller than I could have EVER imagined and I’m continually blessed that this little gang of my mine loves me so much.
Motherhood has pushed me harder than ever before. From the tough recovery of Matea’s birth to the countless sleepless nights I’ve had, I have never been more tired and exhausted in my life. Seriously, where would my life be without God and coffee! Which leads me to my next point…
I need God…like a lot. I pray to Him constantly for the all amazing things He has blessed us with, but also for those days when I need Him to take the reigns and help me out. Thank you for grace – lots and lots of grace.
I savor in the small moments. The small things I used to take for granted are no more! A simple hot shower in peace, eating my meals while it’s still warm, or not having to reheat my coffee for the 5th time…yes, those little things make me so happy. But even more than that, I find delight in watching my girls squeal in excitement over the smallest things like playing peekaboo games with Matea or taking 5 minutes out of the day for surprise bear hugs and cuddle sessions with Marli.
I’ve learned not to sweat the small stuff. A sink full of dishes or a house scattered with toys in every nook and cranny isn’t a life or death deal. I’d rather spend their waking moments playing and learning and bonding. Besides, I love the “lived in” look (ha!) anyways.
I still don’t have this “balance” thing down and I’m ok with that. I heard from so many of my friends that having 2 kids is easy because you start to get a rhythm down for schedules and routines, but I’m still not there yet. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that my girls are complete opposites (ha!) or the age gap, but I’ve learned that even with planning, sometimes LIFE happens so just go with it.
It’s OK to be a little selfish. Oh man, this one has been hard. The mom guilt is a daily struggle, but I’ve realized that in order to be fully present and happy with my girls, I needed a little me time. I mean, how can I take care of them if I’m not taking care of myself too? So, if you’re reading this, treat yourself – you deserve it!
Motherhood has made me so damn strong. Yup, it’s true. If you ever want to know how strong you really are, have a baby. Physically, I carried and delivered 2 babies. The recovery with one was a breeze and the other, not so much. My body has been through hell and back. And I’m still here, stronger than ever. Personally and professionally, I have done things I never thought was possible because it was my girls alone that motivated me. You see, motherhood isn’t about me. It’s about leaving a legacy for my girls filled with opportunities and skills for them to grow into capable and intelligent women. By stepping out of my comfort zone, I hope to show them that anything is possible with hard work and dedication.
My appreciation for my husband and mother have grown tenfold. How do I even put into words what these two mean to me! I swear I am the luckiest daughter alive to have such an amazing mother in my life. I never truly understood the sacrifices and love she gave my brother and I until I became a mom myself, but gosh – I REALLY get it now that I’m raising two girls. And to my husband, who hustles day in and day out for our family so that I’m able to stay home with my girls – I am so incredibly lucky. Whoever your tribe is, love them fiercely because it takes a village.
What did 2016 teach you about motherhood? I’d love to hear.

What a beautiful family!!! I totally agree with all the lessons and appreciation that motherhood has taught me. It is my greatest teacher in life.
This was a nice read 🙂 Thanks, Linh! You are an amazing momma blessed with a wonderful family 🙂
I could not agree with you more!!!! I love these precious photos too!
Love this post! Motherhood has taught me all of that and to also love myself. I’m not perfect and I’m never going to be, all I can do is try to be the best sense of myself and show by example to my children!
That little ponytail is SO ADORABLE!! 🙂
First, these pictures are so adorable and you have such a beautiful. Second, I recognize so many of these sentiments in my own motherhood journey. I don’t know who these people are that say 2 is easier…I’m still trying to find a new normal, but for now am savoring all the moments in between the chaos. The small things are really some of my favorite moments now and sometimes the things that ground me and make my realize how amazing it is to be a mama.
This post is so spot on! I had a second baby this year too, and every word resonated with me! It sounds boastful to say, but you know what? I am strong. And it’s awesome being a mom, even when it’s hard. I never would have thought I could handle the tasks and pressures that I deal with daily. Love this! (And love you!)
Your family is so beautiful! And I love that you put “Motherhood made you strong” it really does, it makes you so so strong!
What a beautiful family you have! I definitely have learned to take some me time last year too! Love this post!
Beautiful family pictures! I totally agree that taking time for yourself is so important! That one took a while for me but it has made such a difference!