Valentine’s Day is less than a week away and I’m spilling the beans on what I really want this year. I don’t know about you, but it’s never been about big extravagant gifts for me (although I wouldn’t mind a tropical vacay right now because it’s been way too long). Forget the fancy dinner and overpriced flowers. This mama wants the GOOD stuff money can’t buy!
First order of business – SLEEP. Like a lot of it. I can’t even remember the last time I had a solid night of sleep or slept long enough to dream. When friends without children tell me they’re tired, I literally LOL because they have no idea. A parent’s level of ‘tired’ is beyond anything I can describe and I know you mommas can relate.
HOME COOKED MEALS – How great would it be to wake up to the delicious aroma of coffee and freshly baked muffins or waffles the girls helped Daddy make?!? We’d all cuddle in bed, eat our brekky, and I would actually be able to drink my coffee while it’s still hot. Gasp! And my hubby would cook dinner (just like our 1st Valentine’s Day together 10 years ago) because I can still remember how amazing it was.
Book me an appointment to the spa, or better yet – PAMPER ME yourself! What mom doesn’t want and need a little bit of this. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of momlife, we forget to take some time for ourselves and this is so important. Run me a bath, give me a massage, or find a new way to spice things up in the bedroom.
I love THOUGHTFUL GIFTS and would love to get homemade cards from the girls or a personal letter from my husband. I don’t think there’s anything better than getting a heartfelt note to help keep the spark alive. Believe it or not, I’ve kept every single card my hubby has given me since we met 10 years ago.
I want the PRACTICAL stuff and guess what – a LOT of mommas feel the same way! Yup – it’s not always about the fancy things. Doing the little things mean SO much to us mamas. Taking the kids for a few hours so we can have a break, doing the dishes, getting our car washed, or cleaning the house would be a dream. If you caught the Mr. Clean commercial during the Super Bowl, then you should know that represents how 99% of ALL moms feel. 🙂
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And lastly, I truly believe that actions speak louder than words, but we still need to hear how much you guys care about us. Tell us you how much you appreciate us and what we do for the family. Trust me – she will absolutely love it because truth be told, mom guilt is a very real thing and we are constantly second guessing ourselves wondering if we’re doing enough and if we’re doing it right.
What’s something you really want for Valentine’s Day?

Couldn’t agree with you more right down the list! Less is often more & simplicity can still be romantic….and that Mr. Clean commercial…I totally got it! ❤️
I would love a trip to a spa. To this day I’ve never had that yet. A facial or a body massage will be a dream to this mama right here! I definitely feel you on all this.
I love these ideas! I told my husband I wanted a prenatal massage AND an ultrasound to see this little baby… lol! So I guess we’ll see what I get!