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My sweet girl. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew my life would never be the same again. You made me a momma 5 years ago and that will always hold a special place in my heart. From Day 1, you and I have been inseparable, a true momma’s girl. In fact, there hasn’t been a day that goes by where I don’t bring up your name when talking to my friends/family. That’s how important you are to me, Baby Girl.
These past 5 years, I’ve watched you grow into such an intelligent, artistic, strong, and beautiful young lady. So, proud doesn’t even begin to describe how we feel about you.
There’s nothing sweeter than hearing your belly laughs or getting those surprise snuggly bear hugs you give throughout the day. The. Absolute. Best!
Even with your sweet, shy temperament, you’re capable of leaving a trail of sparkle everywhere you go and that’s pretty magical. And when I see how proud you are of your drawings or learning new dance moves, my heart smiles because it shows that your confidence is growing in the best way.
I can’t even count how many meals you’ve made for me or princess picnic we’ve had together, but I’ve loved them all! I’m looking forward to many more this year.
I love your curious mind – always so eager to learn and try new things. You’re growing more independent by the day and that lets me know I’m doing alright as a parent.
And my goodness – you are so responsible! You’re literally my right hand man and I am so proud of you for stepping up to help me around the house. Now if I could just teach you to cook dinner…haha jk. That’s for when you turn 7.
But on a serious note, it was just you and I for the first 3 years and I know deep down you miss your alone time with me. And you know what? I miss it too. But gosh, Marli. You have been so patient and understanding and just amazing in every way as a daughter and Big Sister. And for that, I love you now more than ever before!
Sandals | Dress (similar) here & here
You know there’s this saying – it’s not where you’re at; it’s who you’re with that’s important – and you remind me of this daily. It doesn’t matter what we do or where we go, you’re just happy when we’re together. And that…well that is just everything to me.
On this special day, I wanted wish you the happiest, most epic 5th birthday! I love you more than my heart can handle and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you this year. Whatever it is, I know big things are coming for you, Baby Girl.
Love you to the moon and back!

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