WEIGHT: 18lbs 1oz (82% percentile) – currently in size 2 diapers and wearing 9-12 months clothing
LENGTH: 26.75 inches (83% percentile)
HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 17.25 inches (88% percentile)
We had quite a few milestones this month! She started eating solids a week ago and LOVES it! She’s had sweet potato, carrots, peas, green beans, and banana. Still not sure how she feels about the banana because she makes the funniest faces when eating it. We’re still waiting for her to cut teeth, but she has been drooling like crazy! Also, she is SO close to crawling! She can get in the position but hasn’t quite figured out how to move her arms/legs so she’s just rolling and scooting backwards everywhere. She can sit by herself for the most part, but isn’t strong enough to keep herself from falling over. Haha However, she LOVES standing and can hold herself up if she’s leaning against something.
Matea has been babbling NONSTOP! It is so cute, but lawd have mercy I could do without the 2am or 430am “talks.” She also tries to sing when she hears Marli and I singing songs. It’s pretty cute. Anndddd….this little girl does not like to be left out. She will yell for us to come get her so we make sure to include her in whatever we’re doing.
Her personality is really showing now and let’s just say we are in deep trouble. Sister friend is F-I-E-R-C-E! She is definitely really sweet and playful, but man oh man she has her fiesty moments. I swear these girls are like night and day.
And lastly, she is still not sleeping through the night and I’m miserable. I thought she would adjust on her own by now, but it hasn’t happened and I need help. We talked to her pediatrician and we’re going to try and let her cry it out. Real talk – I am terrified. Like I said, she’s the stubborn fiesty type so I can just picture her crying for hours on end. Mommas who have tried this method – I need any tips/advice you can offer please! What has worked for you? What hasn’t?
Can’t wait to see how much she develops in the next month or so. I can’t wait to see what her first words will be!!! Thanks for reading friends!

She is just so sweet and beautiful! Truman loves standing too!! #crawlfirstkid 😂 So, we did the cry it out with both boys and here’s what worked for us. As soon as they started fussing I would start a timer (2-3 minutes to start with). When that time had passed if they were still fussing then I’d go check. I would passify (pat the back, give a passie or soothie) but never take out of bed unless absolutely sobbing. Then leave. If the fussing started again, set the timer for 3 or 4 minutes – so gradually increase your time increments. Of the littles were sobbing too hard, we’d throw out that time, rock and love on them and then start back at 2-3 minutes. Truly it took just a few times to create the new habit for the little. That’s just what worked for us. You will find what works for you!!
They’re both so adorable! We did CIO with our daughter and it worked really well. My son was probably more like Matea and stubborn. He would cry so hard he would choke and sometimes throw up. We ended up doing a modified version. It takes a little longer, but eventually he got it and does great at night – 12 hrs.
We have a crib aquarium attached to the side that he likes to watch. Also if he can’t fall asleep we don’t pick him up, just adjust him on to his back and lay a heavy hand on his chest and shush until he stops crying. Once his eyes were closed gently and slowly lift your hand. If the crying doesn’t stop with shushing, hold until the crying stops and put back down making sure to not rock to sleep. We had to tweak things here and there to figure out what worked for him. Good luck! It’ll be such a relief in the end!