Happy Hump Day! Matea turned 5 months on Monday and I’m still in shock at how fast time has flown by. Trying to keep up with 2 little babes is so hard, but these adorable milestone cards have helped a TON with celebrating all of Matea’s milestones. More on this cute shop in a bit, but first a quick update on her 5 month update. We’ll keep it short and sweet since her 4 month update was just posted a few days ago.
Here’s what she’s been up to lately:
– She’s been trying to crawl, but isn’t quite there yet. It’s more of a scooting motion and so dang cute!
– When she wants to get somewhere, she’ll either yell/cry until we pick her up or roll, scoot, and roll some more to get there.
– She’s putting EVERYTHING in her mouth.
– So much drool! I sure hope her bottom teeth peek through soon. Other than that, she hasn’t been really fussy with her teething (thank goodness)!
– She JUST started taking a very small interest in solid foods. She stares at our mouths when we eat so I know she’s curious. We are going to make it a habit to have her sit with us during meals (like we did with Marli) so hopefully we can start her on solids in a month.
– She started sitting in the Bumbo seat for 10-minute periods throughout the day.
– She is recognizing strangers now and will stare at them for long periods.
Watching Matea develop each day and learn new things is so exciting, but I’ll be honest – it’s been a struggle trying to keep up with all of her updates. I’m still waiting for that 3rd trimester nesting phase to kick in. Not joking. I remembered being on my A-game for all of Marli’s updates, checkups, and milestones, but this time around is so different. I know I’ll regret not documenting these events when I look back at them 20 years down the road and Marli has all of these documented photos/memories and Matea doesn’t.
That’s why I am so so so in love with these adorable cards from Milestone! I have The Original Baby’s First Year edition and absolutely love it! Not only does it have monthly cards for your babe, but also every milestone for their 1st year with a date to fill in like first smile, first tooth, first time saying mama or dada, first time sitting up, and so much more. The cards are really sturdy and the beautiful designs is just the sweetest! Plus, they’re way better than those monthly baby stickers, am I right?
This post was sponsored by Milestone. As always, all opinions are my own.

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